Bioplastics and sustainable economy
The use of bioplastics offers the potential to save fossil resources as well as reducing the emissions of climate relevant gases. But are bioplastics in production, utilization and end-of-life really more sustainable as their fossil competitors? Which problems result e.g. from the use of renewable raw materials and which opportunities are not yet used?
The BMBF supports 30 research consortia with its funding programs „Sustainable Economy“. These projects show holistic development perspectives for a sustainable economy, which includes long-term economic success combined with social justice and protection of the environment. (Source: BMBF)
Project "Sustainable bioplastics"
An important step for this purpose is the establishment of a research platform for bioplastics which identifies the opportunities of bioplastics as an important component of the green economy in Germany and develops fact based strategies and recommended actions for the different (societal) topics on the basis of free available information. On this basis bioplastics shall be developed further as component of the sustainable economy. The research platform brings different stakeholder together, who contribute to the implementation of bioplastics with their specific competencies.
In tandem with the “Sustainable Consumption – From Knowledge to Action” SER funding measure (2008-2013), consumer behavior should be even better understood in order to provide more specific information on sustainable products and services for consumers and to be able to promote sustainable consumption. In addition to this, a review of which political instruments can provide efficient and effective incentives needs to be conducted in order to persuade businesses and consumers to modify their behaviors toward more sustainable economic management.
With its “Sustainable economic management” pilot measure as part of social-ecological research, the BMBF is pursuing the goal of accompanying and/or supporting social transformation processes for sustainable economic management and so further expanding Germany’s leading role on the road to a Green Economy. (Source: BMBF)
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