"New pathways, strategies, business and communication models for bioplastics as a building block of a sustainable economy"

B.A.U.M. - Bundesdeutsche Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management e.V.

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Under the acronym B.A.U.M., the German Environmental Management Association, combines since 1984 successfully and in a future-oriented way economical, ecological and social questions, i. e. the principles of sustainability. Today B.A.U.M. with its more than 500 engaged members is the European business community's largest environmental initiative.

B.A.U.M.’s aim is to sensitise companies, communities and organisations for the importance of pro-active environmental protection and the vision of a sustainable management, and to support them in implementing these visions ecologically effective, economically sensible and socially equitable.

To reach its goals, B.A.U.M. as an information and contact network endeavors intensively to promote an active and practice-oriented exchange of information and experiences and to build and foster manifold national and international contacts in the areas of business, science, politics and media. B.A.U.M. holds advisory positions in various bodies to represent effectively the interests of its members and to give impulses for a successful sustainability strategy.

B.A.U.M. organises events, provides platforms for the exchange of experiences and the dialogue between economy, politics and science. It is engaged in application orientated research projects, conducts media-effective campaigns and offers a broad range of information services.



Simone Frey
B.A.U.M. e.V.
Osterstr. 58
20259 Hamburg
E-Mail: simone.frey@baumev.de.de
Tel.: +494049071106
Fax.: +494049071199
